World Missions
The owners of Dunn Deals Auto partner in supporting world missions to bring hope to many people around the world. The photos here are from the trash dump in Teguciagalpa, Honduras. If you would like to be a part of world missions please see Randy or Kay Dunn. You can help by giving of your time locally to helping at Appalachian Bible and Tract Distributors in Gray, TN.
Maybe you would like to go with us? We can arrange that as well. Trips are planned each year to Mexico the last week of June and Honduras for 8-10 days over Thanksgiving.
What can you do to support world missions?
Dunn Deals Auto is a proud supporter of full-time missionaries and short term missionaries/persons serving in different parts of the world as well as other mission projects as the need arises.
We hope others will feel the need to fulfill the great commission and "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature". Mark 16:15
A young girl at the garbage dump in Teguciagalpa Honduras.
A young boy at the garbage dump in Teguciagalpa Honduras.
If you want to know more about world missions check out the book by Randy Dunn below called "A Journey in Faith".